Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Funny how something seemingly miniscule explains how I associate with the universe, my heavenly father and who I am and was. This explains my recollection of facts that surely I could never workout without looking inside, at my own DNA, as the connections and my innate knowledge and exceptionally high and verified I.Q is to be remotely believed.. As such I believe that my yDNA is the same yDNA of Conn until present and through Cromwell's attempted genocide of the Irish Gael. Which we know was not quite so complete after all. My innate distaste for the English in particular at the start of the English protestant Reformation Kingdom wide. We remained loyal but still were removed which is why my atDNA reports I am more English than Irish.
So there are those of us that accepted and flourished under English Rule over Ireland. I am of the same. The attempted genocide by Cromwell of my lines becomes crystal clear once you wrap your head around the Ireland of the 1650s which lay destitute and in ruins. Twelve years of calamitous warfare had destroyed the country's infrastructure and resulted in the death of over 20% of the Irish population.
The armies of the English Commonwealth, commanded by Oliver Cromwell, emerged victorious and immediately undertook an ambitious project of social engineering, underpinned by a massive transfer in landownership from Irish Catholics to English Protestants. For this to happen, the land had to be accurately surveyed and mapped, a task overseen by the surgeon-general of the English army, William Petty.
The Down Surveys of Ireland
Taken in the years 1656-1658, the Down Survey of Ireland is the first ever detailed land survey on a national scale anywhere in the world. The survey sought to measure all the land to be forfeited by the Catholic Irish in order to facilitate its redistribution to Merchant Adventurers and English soldiers. Copies of these maps have survived in dozens of libraries and archives throughout Ireland and Britain, as well as in the National Library of France. This Project has brought together for the first time in over 300 years all the surviving maps, digitised them and made them available as a public online resource.
Edmond oge McDermond O'Quin 97 Acres
Down Survey Name: Derrycalleefe
1641 Owner(s): O'Quin, Edmond oge McDermod (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Butler, Theobald (Catholic)
County: Clare
Barony: Bunratty
Parish: Cloney
Unprofitable land: 452 plantation acres
Profitable land: 97 plantation acres
Forfeited: 97 plantation acres Coordinates: 52.92964, -8.83638
Donnell O'Quinn 51 Acres
Down Survey Name: Calgary
1641 Owner(s): Darcy, Patrick (Catholic);O'Grady, James (Catholic); O'Quinn, Donnell (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Dowling, Murtagh (Protestant)
County: Clare
Barony: Bunratty
Parish: Inchicronan
Unprofitable land: 559 plantation acres
Profitable land: 51 plantation acres
Forfeited: 51 plantation acres Coordinates: 52.93313, -8.91439
James O'Quin - Untouched
Townland of Strathall
Down Survey Name: Straitall alias half Gollisidane
1641 Owner(s): O'Quin, James (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): O'Quin, James (Catholic)
County: Derry
Barony: Tirkeren
Parish: Cumber
Unprofitable land: 20 plantation acres
Profitable land: 14 plantation acres
Edmund Quinn 97 Acres
Townland of CORRYCORKA
Down Survey Name: Corcorkie
1641 Owner(s): Farrell, John (Catholic); Quinn, Edmund (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Stephens, Sir John (Protestant)
County: Longford
Barony: Abbeyshrule
Parish: Killglass
Unprofitable land: 46 plantation acres
Profitable land: 97 plantation acres
Forfeited: 97 plantation acres Coordinates: 53.63206, -7.66357
Richard Quinn 47 Acres
Down Survey Name: Lisdrenagh
1641 Owner(s): Quinn, Richard (Protestant)
1670 Owner(s): Finch, Henry (Protestant)
County: Longford
Barony: Ardagh
Parish: Killglgasse
Profitable land: 47 plantation acres
Forfeited: 47 plantation acres
1659 Census
Total: 10
English: 10
Titulado: Derby Toole Coordinates: 53.64265, -7.66104
James Quinn 117 Acres
Townland of TENNALOUGH
Down Survey Name: Tonnclagh
1641 Owner(s): Quinn, James (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Sankey, Captain Henry (Protestant)
County: Longford
Barony: Abbeyshrule
Parish: Aghara
Profitable land: 117 plantation acres
Forfeited: 117 plantation acres
1659 Census
Total: 17
English: 17 Coordinates: 53.62591, -7.68016
John McQuin McJordan 785 Acres
Townland of LISSARD MORE
Down Survey Name: Lecardane
1641 Owner(s): McJordan, John McQuin (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Dillon, Thomas Viscount of Costello Gallen (Catholic)
County: Mayo
Barony: Gallen
Parish: Kilnegarvane
Unprofitable land: 528 plantation acres
Profitable land: 257 plantation acres
Forfeited: 257 plantation acres Coordinates: 54.07391, -9.06593
John McQuin McJordan 604 Acres
Townland of ELLAGH MORE
Down Survey Name: Ellagh
1641 Owner(s): McJordan, John McQuin (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Dillon, Thomas Viscount of Costello Gallen (Catholic)
County: Mayo
Barony: Gallen
Parish: Kilnegarvane
Unprofitable land: 383 plantation acres
Profitable land: 221 plantation acres
Forfeited: 221 plantation acres Coordinates: 54.0723, -9.03419
John McQuin McJordan Ellagh Beg House
Townland of ELLAGH BEG
Down Survey Name: Ellagh
1641 Owner(s): McJordan, John McQuin (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Dillon, Thomas Viscount of Costello Gallen (Catholic)
County: Mayo
Barony: Gallen
Parish: Kilnegarvane Coordinates: 54.07925, -9.01807
Murtagh O'Quin 110 Acres
Townland of Killyneery
Down Survey Name: Killenery
1641 Owner(s): O'Quin, Murtagh (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Hill, Samuel (Protestant)
County: Tyrone
Barony: Dungannon
Parish: Aghalow
Profitable land: 110 plantation acres
Forfeited: 110 plantation acres Coordinates: 54.54032, -6.70224
Neale O'Quin 139 Acres
Townland of Eskragh
Down Survey Name: Neiskgragh
1641 Owner(s): O'Quin, Neale (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Smith Alderman of Dublin, William (Protestant)
County: Tyrone
Barony: Dungannon
Parish: Killeshill
Unprofitable land: 14 plantation acres
Profitable land: 139 plantation acres
Forfeited: 139 plantation acres Coordinates: 54.49808, -6.7985
Neale O'Quin 167 Acres
Townland of Inishmagh
Down Survey Name: Aghakinduffe
1641 Owner(s): O'Quin, Neale (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Hill, Samuel (Protestant)
County: Tyrone
Barony: Dungannon
Parish: Killeshill
Unprofitable land: 37 plantation acres
Profitable land: 167 plantation acres
Forfeited: 167 plantation acres Coordinates: 54.49808, -6.7985
Neale O'Quin 134 Acres
Townland of Cavankilgreen
Down Survey Name: Martery
1641 Owner(s): O'Quin, Neale (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Hill, Samuel (Protestant)
County: Tyrone
Barony: Dungannon
Parish: Aghalow
Unprofitable land: 3 plantation acres
Profitable land: 134 plantation acres
Forfeited: 134 plantation acres Coordinates: 54.49808, -6.7985
Neale oge O'Quin 58 Acres
Townland of Loy
Down Survey Name: Loyne
1641 Owner(s): O'Quin, Neale oge (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Coote, Thomas (Protestant)
County: Tyrone
Barony: Dungannon
Parish: Derry Loram
Profitable land: 58 plantation acres
Forfeited: 58 plantation acres Coordinates: 54.4851, -6.97553
Neile O'Quin 147 Acres
Townland of Gortmerron
Down Survey Name: Gartmaren
1641 Owner(s): O'Quin, Neile (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Hill, Samuel (Protestant)
County: Tyrone
Barony: Dungannon
Parish: Clonfickle
Unprofitable land: 10 plantation acres
Profitable land: 147 plantation acres
Forfeited: 147 plantation acres Coordinates: 54.49593, -6.74948
Tirlagh Groome O'Quin 110 Acres
Townland of Mulnagore
Down Survey Name: Munegore
1641 Owner(s): O'Quin, Tirlagh Groome (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Morris, Thomas (Protestant)
County: Tyrone
Barony: Dungannon
Parish: Donoghmore
Unprofitable land: 17 plantation acres
Profitable land: 110 plantation acres
Forfeited: 110 plantation acres Coordinates: 54.57426, -6.81041
Tirlagh Groom O'Quin 100 Acres
Townland of Drummond
Down Survey Name: Dromade
1641 Owner(s): O'Quin, Tirlagh Groome (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Morris, Thomas (Protestant)
County: Tyrone
Barony: Dungannon
Parish: Donoghmore
Unprofitable land: 24 plantation acres
Profitable land: 100 plantation acres
Forfeited: 100 plantation acres Coordinates: 54.57205, -6.82725
Tirlagh Groome O'Quin 81 Acres
Townland of Knocknarney
Down Survey Name: Knockeriffe
1641 Owner(s): O'Quin, Tirlagh Groome (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Hamilton, Sir George (Protestant)
County: Tyrone
Barony: Dungannon
Parish: Carneteale
Unprofitable land: 20 plantation acres
Profitable land: 81 plantation acres
Forfeited: 81 plantation acres Coordinates: 54.6063, -6.7556
Tirlagh Groome O'Quin 80 Acres
Townland of Castletown
Down Survey Name: Castletowne
1641 Owner(s): O'Quin, Tirlagh Groome (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Smith Alderman of Dublin, William (Protestant)
County: Tyrone
Barony: Dungannon
Parish: Carneteale
Unprofitable land: 10 plantation acres
Profitable land: 80 plantation acres
Forfeited: 80 plantation acres Coordinates: 54.52761, -6.81233
Tirlagh Groome O'Quin 86 Acres
Townland of Edentiloan
Down Survey Name: Edenteelane
1641 Owner(s): O'Quin, Tirlagh Groome (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Smith Alderman of Dublin, William (Protestant)
County: Tyrone
Barony: Dungannon
Parish: Carneteale
Unprofitable land: 10 plantation acres
Profitable land: 86 plantation acres
Forfeited: 86 plantation acres
Coordinates: 54.45104, -6.89936
Tirlagh Groome O"Quin 83 Acres
Townland of Mullaghnese
Down Survey Name: Mullincashee
1641 Owner(s): O'Quin, Tirlagh Groome (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Hill, Samuel (Protestant)
County: Tyrone
Barony: Dungannon
Parish: Carneteale
Unprofitable land: 18 plantation acres
Profitable land: 83 plantation acres
Forfeited: 83 plantation acres Coordinates: 54.50826, -6.76658
Tirlagh Groome O'Quin 92 Acres
Townland of Dernaborey
Down Survey Name: Derenebory
1641 Owner(s): O'Quin, Tirlagh Groome (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Smith Alderman of Dublin, William (Protestant)
County: Tyrone
Barony: Dungannon
Parish: Carneteale
Unprofitable land: 26 plantation acres
Profitable land: 92 plantation acres
Forfeited: 92 plantation acres Coordinates: 54.46217, -6.92892
Tirlagh Groome O'Quin 75 Acres
Townland of Leany
Down Survey Name: Leynagh
1641 Owner(s): O'Quin, Tirlagh Groome (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Smith Alderman of Dublin, William (Protestant)
County: Tyrone
Barony: Dungannon
Parish: Carneteale
Unprofitable land: 4 plantation acres
Profitable land: 75 plantation acres
Forfeited: 75 plantation acres Coordinates: 54.46029, -6.91913
Tirlagh Groome O'Quin 145 Acres
Townland of Cranslough
Down Survey Name: Kranasklagh
1641 Owner(s): O'Quin, Tirlagh Groome (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Smith Alderman of Dublin, William (Protestant)
County: Tyrone
Barony: Dungannon
Parish: Carneteale
Unprofitable land: 10 plantation acres
Profitable land: 145 plantation acres
Forfeited: 145 plantation acres Coordinates: 54.50826, -6.76658
Tirlagh Groome O'Quin 90 Acres
Townland of Mullyroddan
Down Survey Name: Mullirodan
1641 Owner(s): O'Quin, Tirlagh Groome (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Smith Alderman of Dublin, William (Protestant)
County: Tyrone
Barony: Dungannon
Parish: Carneteale
Unprofitable land: 16 plantation acres
Profitable land: 90 plantation acres
Forfeited: 90 plantation acres Coordinates: 54.50827, -6.76693
Daniel Quin 128 Acres
Townland of Derrycreevy
Down Survey Name: Ardmeleogh
1641 Owner(s): Quin, Daniell McOwen Mac Cahill (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Hill, Samuel (Protestant)
County: Tyrone
Barony: Dungannon
Parish: Aghalow
Unprofitable land: 14 plantation acres
Profitable land: 128 plantation acres
Forfeited: 128 plantation acres Coordinates: 54.48722, -6.72519
Daniell Quin 73 Acres
Townland of Knocknaroy
Down Survey Name: Knockenevary
1641 Owner(s): Quin, Daniell McOwen Mac Cahill (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Smith Alderman of Dublin, William (Protestant)
County: Tyrone
Barony: Dungannon
Parish: Carneteale (Corntule)
Unprofitable land: 13 plantation acres
Profitable land: 73 plantation acres
Forfeited: 73 plantation acres Coordinates: 54.50827, -6.76693
Neal MacQuin MacCahello 132 Acres
Townland of Reskatirriff
Down Survey Name: Rosketeriffe
1641 Owner(s): Quin, Neale MacQuin MacCahello (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): William Smith Alderman of Dublin (Protestant)
County: Tyrone
Barony: Dungannon
Parish: Carneteale (Corntule)
Unprofitable land: 28 plantation acres
Profitable land: 132 plantation acres
Forfeited: 132 plantation acres Coordinates: 54.4566, -6.86615
Laughlin Quin 24 Acres and House
Down Survey Name: Oldfort
1641 Owner(s): Quin, Laughlin (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Mallone, Edmund (Catholic)
County: Westmeath
Barony: Clunlunnan
Parish: Killeleagh
Profitable land: 24 plantation acres
Forfeited: 24 plantation acres
1659 Census
Total: 8
English: 8 Coordinates: 53.38691, -7.74814
Arthur McQuine Redmond 128 Acres
Down Survey Name: Ballemurrogh
1641 Owner(s): Arthur Redmond McQuine (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Warren, John (Protestant)
County: Wexford
Barony: Ballagheene
Parish: Killenagh
Profitable land: 128 plantation acres
Forfeited: 128 plantation acres Coordinates: 52.64055, -6.29008
Richard m'Loughlin Quin 358 Acres
Down Survey Name: Ballanagh
1641 Owner(s): Quin, Richard McLoghlin (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Meath, Earl of (Protestant) (Allies of Donogh O’Quin/Dunraven)
County: Wicklow
Barony: Arklow
Parish: Temple Michell
Profitable land: 358 plantation acres
Forfeited: 358 plantation acres Coordinates: 52.88126, -6.09757
Richard McLoughlin Quin 84 Acres
Townland of BALLYHARA (ED Wicklow Rural)
Down Survey Name: Ballehooleene
1641 Owner(s): Quin, Richard McLoghlin (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Meath, Earl of (Protestant) (Allies of Donogh O’Quin/Dunraven)
County: Wicklow
Barony: Arklow
Parish: Temple Michell
Profitable land: 84 plantation acres
Forfeited: 84 plantation acres Coordinates: 52.94138, -6.05736
Oge “The Younger”
Groom “The Younger”
Mac/Mc/M’ “Son of”
O’ “Grandson of”
QUIN means Catholic in these documents
QUINN means Protestant in these documents
In order to begin to differentiate my genetic line from the other lines of our kinsmen found throughout Ireland.
Laughlin Quin of Westmeath
I learned that on May 24, 1882 a Mary Quinn was born to unknown parentage in Rochfortbridge, which is of the same place under a new name. Mary went onto marry Michael Geraghty and bore to the best of my knowledge 1 daughter and 1 son as they are so named in the 1911 Westmeath Census.
Names the residents of house 4 in Oldtown (Castlelost, Westmeath)
Geraghty Michael 30 Male Head of Family Roman Catholic
Geraghty Mary 29 Female Wife Roman Catholic
Geraghty Kathleen 3 Female Daughter Roman Catholic
Geraghty Michel 2 Male Son Roman Catholic
Geraghty Catherine 68 Female Mother Roman Catholic
Mary Geraghty died 20 Dec 1943 in Oldtown, County Westmeath, Ireland at the age of 61.
Her headstone has been since updated and reads as follows:
In Loving Memory of Michael Geraghty Oldtown died 15th March 1941. His wife Mary died 20th Dec 1943, their sons Reverend Andrew died 16th April 1940. Patrick died 16th Dec 1953
Kieran died 11th Jan 1929. James died 10th Jan 1982. Their daughter Sister Mary Regina died 2nd July 1952
Median Roman Catholic Church Cemetery
Tyrrellpass, County Westmeath, Ireland
I have no atDNA links to Geraghty for any of the variations Gerrity, Gerty, Gerighty, Gerighaty, Gerety, Gerahty, Garraty, Geraty, Jerety, McGerity, MacGeraghty, MacGartie, MacGarty…
I believe this Laughlin Quin is locatable through a marriage license issued in 1654 by St. Michan’s Church, north of the Liffey, Dublin between Laughlin Quin and Juane Brian. The church dates back to the 5th century and until the 1530’s was a Pre-Reformation Catholic Church. Today it is a Church of Ireland Church. The Martin Family and last Royal Governor of the Province of North Carolina along with his brothers, cousins and kinsmen are also found in the same records of St. Michans during the period before and after the date given.
On January 16, 1683 at St. Audoen’s Roman Catholic Church, Dublin we find Laughlin Quin is buried there and is listed as poor man. This church is not to be confused with the Church of Ireland church of the same name very closely.
The Quinn Genetic Genealogy Project
Copyright © 2024 The Quinn Genetic Genealogy Project - All Rights Reserved.
Queen Elizabeth and King Charles III are descendants of the Irish High King Brian Boru, uf the Dál gCais as I am of Thomond.
Brian Boru was one of the twelve sons of Cennétig mac Lorcáin whom died in 951 CE who was King of the Dál gCais and king of Tuadmumu (Thomond), modern County Clare, then a sub-kingdom in the north of Munster.